QCC API 1.0.0 Data Dictionary

This document serves as a data dictionary for QCC API 1.0.0 formats.

It is written for both prospective and new system integrators, consultants and other technical professionals interested in integrating with QCC.


The following terms are referred to in this document.

Term Definition
Client, Clients Organizations requesting court case search orders
Endpoint Web service or HTTP receiver that is exposed by an organization to receive inbound data
QBO Acronym for Quandis Business Objects. Generally refers to any module or component that has been created by Quandis.

Field Legend and Types

Field Legend

Field Description
Data Element Name descriptor of field
Type Enumerated. See Field Type
Size Field length
Req Enumerated. See Required Type
Notes Description of field

Field Types

Type Description
AN Alpha Numeric
A Alpha
N Numeric
D Date. All dates follow format YYYY-MM-DD
B Boolean
E Enumerated. See corresponding enumeration
Node Node
Attribute Attribute

Required Types

Type Description
Y Always required
N Always optional
CO Conditionally optional

Court Case

Data Elements Type Size Req Notes
CourtCaseID N Y Primary key for this table (identity column). This column is indexed.
CourtCase AN Y Short description for Court Case
Status AN N User-defined values, from ObjectStatus table.
CourtCaseType AN N Case Type
CourtID N N Abstract Court key
Title AN N Short description of the Title
FilingDate D N Date filed
DispositionDate D N Date of disposition
DispositionReason AN N Short description of disposition
LastScreenshotID N N Last screenshot ID, contains field from last screenshot table
CaseSequence AN N Sequence number of case number.
CourtDivision AN N Division code of case number
CourtLocation AN N Location code of case number
CreatedPersonID N N Created person ID, contains fields from CreatedPerson table
CreatedDate D N Created Date
UpdatedPersonID N N Updated person ID, contains fields from UpdatePerson table
UpdatedDate D N Updated Date

Court Case Party

Data Elements Type Size Req Notes
CourtCasePartyID N Y Primary key for this table (identity column). This column is indexed.
CourtCaseParty AN Y Short description for Court Case Party
ContactID N N Contains Company, Address, and primary Contact information.
CourtCaseID N N Abstract Court Case key

Court Case Docket

Data Elements Type Size Req Notes
CourtCaseDocketID N Y Primary key for this table (identity column). This column is indexed.
CourtCaseDocket AN Y Short description for Court Case Docket
Status AN N User-defined values, from ObjectStatus table.
CourtCaseDocketType AN N Type of Docket
CourtCaseID N N Abstract Court Case key
DocketNumber AN N Indicates Sequence of Docket
FileDate D N Date filed
EnteredDate D N Date Entered
Decision AN N Decision Description of Docket (if applicable)
Description AN N Description of the Court Case
AttachmentID N N Abstract Attachment key relating to document associated to docket
CreatedPersonID N N Created person ID, contains fields from CreatedPerson table
CreatedDate D N Date created
UpdatedPersonID N N Updated person ID, contains fields from UpdatedPerson table
UpdatedDate D N Date last updated


Data Elements Type Size Req Notes
BucketID N Y Primary key for this table (identity column). This column is indexed.
Bucket AN Y Short description/name for Court Case Docket
BucketType AN N Type of Bucket
Status AN N User-defined values, from ObjectStatus table.
BucketTemplateID N N Abstract inherited Bucket Template key
Object AN N Abstract Parent table.
ObjectID N N Abstract Parent key.
ScheduleID N N Created schedule ID, contains field from Schedule table
DeliverySignature AN N NULL
DeliveryCacheDuration N N NULL
NotificationURL AN N URL for Completion Notification
AttachmentID N N Abstract Attachment key
CreatedPersonID N N Created person ID, contains fields from CreatedPerson table
CreatedDate D N Date created
UpdatedPersonID N N Updated person ID, contains fields from UpdatedPerson table
UpdatedDate D N Date last updated

Bucket Item

Data Elements Type Size Req Notes
BucketItemID N Y Bucket item ID, contains field from Bucket Item table
BucketItem AN Y Short description for BucketItem
BucketItemType AN N Type of bucket item
Status AN N User-defined values, from ObjectStatus table.
BucketID N Y Associated Bucket
Object AN N Abstract Parent table.
ObjectID N N Abstract Parent key.
ParameterXml XML N Court Case Content in XML form
ScheduleID N N NULL
CacheDuration N N Duration of cache
LastRunDate D N Last run date
ServiceRequestID N N Created service request ID, contains field from service request table
CreatedPersonID N N Created person ID, contains fields from CreatedPerson table
CreatedDate D N Created Date
UpdatedPersonID N N Updated person ID, contains fields from UpdatePerson table
UpdatedDate D N Updated Date


Data Elements Type Size Req Notes
ContactID N Y Primary key for this table (identity column). This column is indexed.
Contact AN Y Short description of Contact
ContactTemplateID N N Contact template ID, contains fields from ContactTemplate table
ParentContactID N N Parent contact ID, contains fields from ParentContact table
Object AN N Subscriber ID
ObjectID N N Abstract Parent table.
SubscriberID AN N Date filed
ContactType AN N User-defined values
Status AN N User-defined values, from ObjectStatus table.
Company AN N Company name
Title AN N Title name
Prefix AN N Name prefix
FirstName AN N First Name
MiddleName AN N Middle Name
LastName AN N Last Name
Suffix AN N Suffix
Address AN N Street address of property.
City AN N City the property is located in.
State AN N State the property is located in.
PostalCode AN N Postal (zip) code the property is located in.
Country AN N Country
USSSN AN N US Social Secuirty Number
TIN AN N Taxpayer Identification Number
BirthDate D N Birth date
DeathDate D N Death date
Nationality AN N Nationality
SpokenLanguage AN N Spoken Language
ValidStart D N Valid start date
ValidEnd D N Valid end date
Latitude N N Latitude of address
Longitude N N Longitude of address
VerifiedSource AN N Verified source
VerifiedDate D N Verified date
VerifiedConfidence N N Verified confidence
SCRAStatus AN N SCRA status
SCRASource AN N SCRA source
SCRAStatusAsOf D N SCRA status of current date
CreatedPersonID N N Created person ID, contains fields from CreatedPerson table
CreatedDate D N Created date
UpdatedPersonID N N Updated person ID, contains fields from UpdatedPerson table
UpdatedDate D N Updated date
SCRAVerified AN N SCRA Verification
SCRAVerifiedDate D N SCRA Verification date
SCRADischargeDate D N SCRA discharge date
SCRAStartDate D N SCRA start date
Sequence N N Sequence
USSSN4 AN N Additional SSN
TIN4 AN N Additional TIN