Image Packages Explained

A common pain-point across clients is many of their clients have different compliance requirements. As a result, valuable time and FTE resources are allocated to post-process, organize, or redact certificates. Usually, the clients will start with a “superset” of all certificates and then create multiple copies, adjusting the content within to meet compliance. This not only introduces the risk of human error, but also consumes time and can compromise compliance.

Image Packages allow clients to define multiple package profiles with the granularity to meet compliance requirements. This eliminates FTE and automates compliance requirements.

Image Package Options

Image Packages lets users choose the options that meet their needs. These options allow users to configure screenshots, NPI redaction, summary reports, file naming, and image grouping. The goal of which is to maximize compliance, reduce error, and minimize post-processing FTE.

Screenshot Settings

Include Screenshot Append an SCRA submission screenshot along with the corresponding military certificate. True | False
Screenshot Mask1 Mask the first 5 digits of the SSN in the SCRA submission screenshot. ***** | None
Screenshot Position1 Place the SCRA submission screenshot above or below the military certificate. Top | Bottom

1 : Applies only when Include Screenshot is True

Image Overlay Settings

Image Overlay Overlay the case ID as a footer on all military certificates. Standard
Redact Certificate NPI Wipe all NPI from military certificates including SSN and Date of Birth. True | False

Image Group Settings

Image Group Party: Group certificates by contact. Includes parent-most contact and all subsequent searches spawned under that contact.1

PartyUnique: Span parties and group certificates by unique identifier (SSN or Date of Birth).

SourceReferenceNumber: Group certificates by Case Identifier aka SourceReferenceNumber.

All: Combine all certificates into one case-level document.

None: No grouping.

Party | PartyUnique | SourceReferenceNumber | All | None
Summary Report Append a case-level summary with status rollup as the cover page of the certificate package. True | False
File Name Format Replace default certificate filenames with a custom name pattern.

1: See Parse and Permutate

Zip Settings

Zip Certificates Zip package SCRA certificates according to specified image group settings. True | False
Zip File Name Format Replace default zip naming pattern with a custom naming convention.
Zip Package Count This limits the max certificate count per zip package in order to keep packages under a certain size.

Image Package Example

Image Packages have the flexibility to meet all compliance requirements. The following example shows how Image Packages can address different compliance requirements:

Scenario 1 - Servicer A


ACME attorney firm supplies multiple servicers with SCRA information and documentation. ACME has its own internal requirements for SCRA certificates to be non-redacted and merged at by party. However, Servicer A requires screenshots of all SCRA searches and redacted certificates grouped by SSN.

With Image Packages, ACME has the ability to create 2 packages:

Package 1 to satisfy internal requirements:

Include Screenshot False
Redact Certificate NPI False
Image Group Party

Package 2 to satisfy Servicer A’s requirements:

Include Screenshot True
Redact Certificate NPI True
Image Group PartyUnique
Scenario 2 - Servicer B


ACME attorney firm supplies multiple servicers with SCRA information and documentation. ACME’s current settings produce a case-level document containing a summary report, submission screenshots, and redacted certificates. However, Servicer B does not require screenshots but does have a need for party-level documents and a separate case-level merged document.

Instead of using FTE to make a copy, remove screenshots, and separate certificates by party, ACME can simply set up separate packages to meet all requirements

Package 1 retains ACME’s current settings

Include Screenshot True
Redact Certificate NPI True
Summary Report True
Image Group All

Package 2 satisfies Servicer B’s requirements for party-level certificates:

Include Screenshot True
Redact Certificate NPI True
Summary Report False
Image Group Party

Package 3 satisfies Servicer B’s requirements for all certificates in one pdf:

Include Screenshot True
Redact Certificate NPI True
Summary Report False
Image Group All