Court Dockets

The Quandis Court Docket Connect (QCC) data service monitors state courts for activity that interests you, and notifies you when such activity occurs. Key features include:

  • Docket monitoring: give us a list of the cases you are interested in, and we will feed any docket changes to you
  • Docket classification: QCC will classify dockets according to your criteria, so you can pay attention to just the items that matter
  • Party search: worried about borrowers involved with cases that are not yours? QCC can monitor party names for other case filings

Quandis’ hosted QCC platform development is currently on hold. If your company is interested in licensing and hosting the technology underlying QCC, please contact us at We do not currently offer subscriptions to the QCC platform.

Docket Monitoring

Designed with foreclosure attorneys in mind, QCC docket monitoring allows you to send us a list of the cases that you wish to have monitored. On a schedule you determine, QCC will retrieve the full docket for each case, compare it to the last docket retrieved, and forward any changes to you. QCC can forward changes in batch (daily, in an Excel, CSV, XML or other file), or post data directly to your case management system (CMS). Not only does QCC deliver a clean set of raw data, it can also provide a PDF copy of the court’s website docket page for audit purposes.

If you have employees logging into state court websites to monitor the status of your cases, QCC offers a faster, cheaper and more efficient alternative.

Docket Classification

Receiving the raw docket text directly from the court is nice, but to take the correct action, the docket should be classified appropriately. For example, a case management system workflow may depend on a docket entry indicating Affidavit of Service. However, the relevant docket may contain “Served defendant with the notice of foreclosure action, etc., via posting on the property on 09/1/15 and via certified and fist class mail on 09/4/15“.

QCC uses a machine-learning algorithm to analyze this automatically. If you wish, you can have your staff train QCC to use your office’s classifications in as little as 30 minutes! Training works like this:

  • Your expert pastes a list of a few dozen past cases numbers in QCC’s training page,
  • QCC presents your expert with the raw dockets for these cases, and
  • Your expert picks the appropriate classification from a pick list

Once this training is complete, QCC’s machine learning system will tailor it’s algorithm to your expert’s preference, and use these preference to drive future classifications.

This process enables QCC to provide custom-tailored classification of dockets not just court-to-court, but client-by-client as well.

Party Search

QCC can also monitor a court for new filings made for a party. This can be useful in cases including:

  • Monitoring for IRS lien filings during the course of a foreclosure action
  • “Riding the first”: monitoring for foreclosure filing by a senior lien holder prior to spending the money for a full title search
  • Portfolio scrub: analyzing a portfolio prior to purchase, to assist with risk assessment

A common problem is a customer name in your database may not match the name in the court’s database. For example, Jane Smith-Doe in your database might be listed as Jane Smith in the court database. QCC’s name permutation logic will cover your bases, keeping you in compliance. Using the Jane Smith-Doe example, QCC will submit all of the following to the court for a party search:

  • Jane Smith-Doe
  • Jane Smith
  • Jane Doe
  • Jane Doe-Smith
  • Jane Smith Doe
  • Jane Doe Smith

If any one of those permutations turns out to have a case, QCC can flag the case as requiring attention. Additionally, QCC will return to you the details of each permutation we searched, keeping you as informed as possible.

Geeky Stuff

For the more technically inclined readers, a few extra points about QCC:

  • A web service is available for our real-time screen scrape: integrate with us directly into your CMS or call center apps
  • Exchanging data via HTTPS or sFTP is cake; other protocols just require a bit of lead time
  • We encrypt data at rest (PGP, TDE) to satisfy the highest security requirements
  • We offer a “pickup model” for those who don’t allow inbound transactions
    • e.g. some clients do not want to open their firewalls or simply don’t have the infrastructure to allow us to push results to them
  • You can set priorities on batches, and QCC will route through batch or real-time processing accordingly
  • If a court’s website is down for some reason, we don’t lose orders; we keep them in a queue until the court is back online
  • QCC is completely automated; we don’t have Quandis employees touching your data (unless you ask us to research something!)
  • We can auto-scale our infrastructure to accommodate volume spikes