QMS Platform Evolution

The Quandis Military Search (QMS) was created in 2006 as a core product to fill a need for our attorney clients.  It was created as a cost effective, all-in-one verification of active duty military status.

  • Web service (API) enabled from inception
  • Batch processing introduced in 2008 (Excel, CSV)
  • Infrastructure advancements
    • Geographically distributed environment in 2009
    • Auto-scaling in 2015
  • Permutation model introduced in 2014
    • Increases hit rates as high as 3% of total portfolio
  • QMS (version 3) introduced 2014
    • Web portal
    • Name permutations, advanced name parsing
    • Rules based processing model decides SLA, search options and image options
    • Scalability improvements

Ordering Channels

API – Utilized when a near real-time response is required.

  • Product delivery range averaging under 30 seconds.
  • Rule based configuration can dictate “order priority” and infrastructure can auto-scale to meet SLA.
  • Utilized by: case management systems, commercial lenders

File Upload – Utilized when a list of borrowers requires verification.

  • Drag-and-drop upload on QMS web portal
  • Automated sweep of FTP folders
  • Utilized by: servicers, creditors

Portfolio Monitoring – Repeat verification for a list of borrowers.

  • Usually smaller subset of borrowers monitoring on a weekly basis.
  • Configurable search cycles, image preferences and reports.
  • Utilized by: servicers for pending foreclosure sales

Key Features

Name Permutations

  • Generate name variations based on parsed name to ensure all possible searches are performed

Name Parse

  • Scrub and normalize name values to ensure data is clean before searching
  • E.g. John Doe Jr AKA John Doe-Smith II

Images / Certificates

  • Overlay PDF images with loan number and other loan information
  • Merge multiple searches on same borrower into one image
  • Package images into compressed file for automated consumption


  • Provide summary statistics, roll-up statistics and detail as part of product file
  • Dashboards filter on status (active, discharged, inactive) and permutation hits

Name Parsing

Sometimes, data can be messy. Whether you’re dealing with a third-party portfolio scrub, or your own source of data is … poor, QMS can help clean up your ugly contact data before we search DoD. We’ve learned a lot in nearly 10 years of dealing with DoD SCRA data!

When we parse names, we create ‘aliases’, and ultimately search each alias generated. Each name is parsed and normalized before variations are generated. This increases effectiveness of permutation models.

First Name Middle Name Last Name Suffix
Simple Example:
John A Doe-Smith Jr. (DECEASED)
John A Doe-Smith Jr.
Advanced Example:
John A. Doe Smith AKA Mr. John A Smith Jr FKA Johnathan Alan Doe-Smith II
John A. Doe Smith
John A Smith Jr
Johnathan Alan Doe-Smith II

Name Permutation

Even when your data is ‘good’, it does not necessarily match DoD’s data. Hyphenated last names (Doe-Smith or Doe Smith?), mixed cases (McDonald or Mc Donald), and such can cause you to miss an active duty service member. QMS will make sure we search all such combinations, without any extra effort on your part.

Standard Options:

  • Split based on hyphen and space – e.g. Doe-Smith or Doe Smith
  • Transpose names – e.g. Doe Smith produces Smith Doe
  • Mixed case split – e.g. McDonald (no spaces) splits Mc Donald
  • Middle name search – search with and without middle name
  • Include name suffix – name suffixes (e.g. Jr) can be applied to name variations
  • Handle more than two name parts – e.g. Doe-Smith Jones
  • Search original name – if original name value does not match parsed name, it can be searched as provided

Name variations can also be generated on aliases located from SSN lookup:

  • SSN Lookup produces 5 aliases
  • 3 of 5 aliases are eligible for permutations
  • Permutate all name parts and package as one search

Image Management

If you’re tracking the PDF certificate returned by DoD for compliance reasons, QMS can help you manage those certificates.

  • All certificates are returned as individual images regardless if search was performed by API or batch
    • QMS will split the DoD’s single, giant PDF into individual PDFs per borrower
  • Certificates overlaid with your information:
    • Loan number
    • Alias, permutation indicator
  • Multiple searches can be merged into one image:
    • 1 PDF even if 8 name permutations were searched
    • Merge per borrower or per loan
    • E.g. 1 SSN lookup produces 5 aliases, with one alias generating 6 permutations = 10 certificates
  • Images can be packaged in zip files or produced individually
    • Support naming conventions: e.g. {Loan Number}.{LastName}.SCRA.{YYYY-MM-DD}.pdf
  • Images can be converted to Group IV TIFF or other common formats
  • Automated Delivery:
    • sFTP, FileNet, SourceCorp Fastrieve
    • Can consume or adhere to custom imaging requirements

Sample Certificate


Product Data and Reporting

  • Product data can be generated per file.
    • All major formats supported (e.g. MS Excel, Text Formats)
  • Product data files include:
    • Summary roll-up (portfolio count by status)
    • Borrower roll-up (1 row per borrower, regardless of the permutations searched)
    • Search detail (every permutation searched)
    • Invalid borrowers (no search performed)
  • API product includes images and data
    • Xml and JSON formats supported
  • Formats customizable to match current specs
  • Dashboards can filter borrowers by status and provide rollup counts

Summary Rollup: 1 row per borrower, regardless of number of names actually searched


Search Detail: 1 row for each name permutation searched, so each borrower may have many rows


Dashboard Sample


Military Lending Act

QMS is ready to meet your compliance requirements stemming from the expanded scope of the Military Lending Act.

  • Fully implemented the requirements of the MLA into our platforms and stands ready to service your needs in the same efficient and cost saving manner as our existing SCRA default products
  • Our near-real-time API can be integrated directly into point-of-sale systems
  • Quandis stands ready to review your needs in this space and fully automate your processes to your specific needs

Rules Engine and Configurability

QMS offers lots of configuration options, and you can choose which of these options to leverage on a per-order basis if you wish.

  • Order Options
    • Specified per order. Can be defaulted based on saved preferences
    • Drives Permutations, Images and Product Data
  • Search Priorities
    • Processing priority can be set on a per file basis
    • API searches can process before batch files. E.g.:
      • API searches are performed with a priority of 1, trumping all other requests
      • Monitoring and sale review batches are performed with a priority of 2
      • Monthly or quarterly scrubs are performed with a priority of 3

Capacity, Scalability, and Support

Server Farm

  • All web, application and FTP servers are redundant and load balanced

Auto Scale Application Servers

  • Accommodate volume spikes and meet SLAs
  • Pass savings onto our clients

Operational Support

  • Support team monitors order status and throughput
  • Automated tools to monitor server health and utilization

Department of Defense Compliant

The Service Members Civil Relief Act (SCRA) website is hosted by the Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC)

  • Never exceed allowed transaction volumes
    • Track all transactions to site with internal ticketing
    • During high volume we automatically activate additional servers
    • Load level and throttle to ensure searches are under the maximum requirement of 1000 searches per hour per IP address
  • Communicate with Department of Defense to maintain compliance and ensure planned changes are implemented in advance of rollouts
  • Proactively monitor SCRA/DMDC website to minimize downtime
  • Strategies when DOD goes offline and DOD notifies search results for given time frame are inaccurate


  • Data Centers – SOC 2 Compliant
  • Data Storage
    • SQL Server 2008 Transparent Data Encryption
    • Nightly backups transmitted to DR site
  • Retention of client data has configurable expiration on per client basis
    • E.g. Expire data once search is complete or Expire after one month
    • Monitoring data must be retained for at least duration of monitoring
    • Non-sensitive data recommended for 6-12 months to answer any questions
  • Fully automated process: no users “keying” data or having visibility of data
  • Protocols – All secure
    • Secure FTP
    • HTTPS

Delivery Options

Support for custom delivery and formatting:

  • SourceCorp Fastrieve – zip packaging with custom meta file
  • FileNet
  • Secure FTP – deliver to any FTP folder with any naming convention
  • Custom – we can consume any custom web service or HTTP receiver

BKFS Integration

  • BKFS Interchange Partner
  • Updates to mancodes, workstation status
  • Post comments to workstations

Why Choose Quandis

  • Reliable, proven results for large servicers
  • Industry leading name permutation technology
  • Rules based processing
  • Pricing –tiered based on volume
  • Reseller agreements with top tech providers. We are their supplier.
  • Support – 24/7 support
  • Quandis is the industry leader in Military Search Services